Women Of Vision Education iNitiative

Lighting a path out of poverty by nurturing future female leaders through university scholarships, mentorship & coaching programs.

This program is designed to provide access to higher education for students from low-income and underrepresented communities, as well as to provide the life skills and mental health counseling needed to succeed as they transition into the job market.

Designed to ensure continuity for top performing beneficiaries from our high school program, the WOVEN program is an all rounded project aimed at producing impactful women leaders. 


  • Full university fee payment

  • Monthly support funds 

  • Semester-wide school supplies 

  • Full living accommodation in university dorms or private rental apartments

  • Life skills mentorship 

  • Mental Health counseling – both individual and group sessions

  • Career guidance 


95% of our WOVEN students responded they find our mentorship program valuable


94% of our 100 WOVEN Students were passing all classes at the end of 2023


91% of our students who completed our university program are currently employed

While overall participation in the the Kenyan job market between men and women is almost the same, the gap in the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty is significant. According to the World Bank, 69% of Kenyan women in the job market are employed in vulnerable employment which is defined as temporary or informal work such as house help, day labor, street hawking, etc. That is 16.8% higher than men in the Kenyan job market.

Our program transforms the average low pay opportunities for talented young women into professional career opportunities across the science, business, arts, tourism and civil service industries as well as others in Kenya.

WOVEN Graduating Class 2023

In Their Own Words

Stacy Jahenda, WOVEN Student

University of Nairobi Agribusiness Management

In addition to the scholarly support Stacy receives from Light Up Hope through WOVEN, she is part of our mentorship program. Through encouragement and guidance from the WOVEN team Stacy learned she could use the funds availed to her to create an additional source of income for herself and family. Specifically, she wanted to venture into a business which would enable her to attend to her classes as usual while making enough money to complement her monthly support. Furthermore, being passionate about food security and agribusiness, she decided to venture into chicken rearing.

Beginning with three chickens, Stacy commissioned her mother to help her take care of her hens and ensure they were fed correctly and on time. Over the months, the chickens multiplied and she is currently running a small chicken and eggs business. Her flock has grown to an impressive brood of more than 20 birds which not only compliment her monthly support but ensure her mother has more income to run the family and expand the business.

Stacy’s goal is to learn as much as she can about the chicken business through her university education and expand her business before she graduates from college.

Make a Difference

Donate to programs that provide healing and light a path out of poverty.